Duke Ellington Students Speak out about Sexual Abstinence Outrageous Attack on Religious Freedom Join the Urban Life Training Community Advisory Board Relationship Intelligence Education for Your School, Church or Organization |
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Greetings {FIRST_NAME}, | May 2, 2015 | ||||||
Duke Ellington Students Speak out about Sexual Abstinence
As part of the celebration of Abstinence Awareness Week at Duke Ellington School of the Arts in Washington DC, Urban Life Training Leadership Club Youth filemed and produced an educational video: Duke Ellington Junior and Student Govenment Representative Kyana shared: I definitely think that sexual abstinence is a great course to teach while we are still in high school and while we are still young. This club mainly focuses on 9th and 10th graders. So, at that time in your life that’s an important step. Having sex in high school is a really major thing; really it can affect the most important stages of your life. You can mess it up in high school and it will just be done, just like that. So this course, talking to the younger students about it can definitely impact them really big. Watch the video to hear more. Outrageous Attack on Religious Freedom
The Supreme Court is currently hearing arguments in an historic case. This case will decide whether states have the right to decide upon the definition of marriage as a man and a woman only, as 31 states have already done, or if they will be forced by the Supreme Court to accept a definition of "marriage" that includes two men or two women. Forcing the acceptance of a definition of marriage that goes against nature and nature's God is an outrageous abrogation of religious freedom Martin Luther King, Jr. said in "A Letter from a Birmingham Jail”:Now, what is the difference between the two? How does one determine whether a law is just or unjust? A just law is a man-made code that squares with the moral law or the law of God. An unjust law is a code that is out of harmony with the moral law. To put it in the terms of St. Thomas Aquinas: An unjust law is a human law that is not rooted in eternal law and natural law. Defining marriage as the union of a man and a woman only is not discriminatory. This definition is an extension of natural law, and that is why this definition has been in existence since the beginning of human history. Natural law stems from God-that is where rights are derived. Thomas Jefferson wrote in the Declaration of Independence: We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness. Rights are given by God, and codified into law. Rights are not given by others who think that you may or may not be entitled to them. Related Articles: From Worldnetdaily:
'Gay Marriage' Activists Target Archbishop Sign the Marriage Pledge at www.defendmarriage.org Join the Urban Life Training Community Advisory BoardUrban Life Training is seeking community members to advise and assist Urban Life Training in it's mission to raise youth leaders who model and teach about the benefits of sexual abstinence in preparation for marriage and successful family formation. We will meet once per month in Washington, DC. This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. with your name and contact information if you are interested in being on the Urban Life Training Community Advisory Board. Services Provided
Urban Life Training is a premier provider of HIV/AIDS prevention services and peer counselor training that is abstinence centered and evidence based. Call Richard at 202-544-5081 to schedule sessions for your school, church or organization. Click here for more information. STAR (Students Teaching Abstinence & Responsibility) Guides are young adults who practice sexual abstinence. STAR Guides teach other youth about the benefits of abstinence, and serve as positive role models. To apply to be a STAR Guide, visit our website and fill out a volunteer application: Click Here.
Richard Urban's Blog: Recent Posts: Freedom of Religion, not Freedom From Religion Right Choices Youth Prevention Corps
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