Vaccine Choice Bills in WV Legislature-2021 The Family Rooted in Absolute Sexual Ethics-Part 10 w/ Roy Ramey The Family Rooted in Absolute Sexual Ethics-Part 9 w/ Yun-A Johnson The Family Rooted in Absolute Sexual Ethics-Part 8 w/ Leila Johnson The Family Rooted in Absolute Sexual Ethics-Part 7 w/ Philip Sharp The Family Rooted in Absolute Sexual Ethics-Part 6 w/ Jamal Johnson The Family Rooted in Absolute Sexual Ethics-Part 5 w/ Stacey Urban Chapter TRAINING WORKSHOP recording now available |
Greetings {FIRST_NAME}, | March 18, 2021 | ||||||||||||
vaccine choice bills in WV legislature-2021
As a start, I suggest you contact your senators
in support of SB 406, and
contact your delegate in support of
HB 2881.
Both remove the requirement to provide the harmful and
unnecessary Hepatitus B vaccination to children before attending any
West Virginia school, public or private.
Typically, this vaccination is given to newborn babies.
Mind you that the vaccination is for a sexually transmitted
disease, and that this disease is nonexistent among those who are not
having sexual intercourse or using IV drugs.
HB 2881 is in the House Health and Human Resources Committee
chaired by Jeffrey Pack. HB 2728 clarifies that the commissioner of Public Health shall not
expand compulsory immunization requirements for school children
without explicit Legislative authority, including the chair of the
Health Committee.
Vaccination by administrative ruling added 11 to 13 doses of four vaccines
to the West Virginia required vaccine schedule from 2008 to 2017.
These vaccines alone have caused between 1740 to 17,400 serious
adverse reactions requiring hospitalization and 290 to 2900 deaths in
West Virginia. Current administrative rulings specify that all
vaccines recommend by the ACIP panel are also recommended for West
Virginia children. Furthermore, from 2008 to 2017 parents enrolling
children in state licensed daycare were required to get HIB,
pneumococcal (Prevnar), rotavirus and Hepatitus A vaccinations under
penalty of law. These vaccinations were added by an administrative
rule, were subsequently removed, but could be added again. This
bill is in the House Education Committee, chaired by Joe Ellington. #76-THE FAMILY ROOTED IN ABSOLUTE SEXUAL ETHICS-PART 10 WITH ROY RAMEYWhat is the proper relationship between religion and politics? Are we living in the era after the coming of heaven? What is the foundation for a peaceful and ethical society and world? #74-THE FAMILY ROOTED IN ABSOLUTE SEXUAL ETHICS-PART 9 WITH YUN-A JOHNSONLearn about the World Peace King Bridge-Tunnel that will link the Russian and North American land masses. The new heaven and new earth has already arrived. What is the basis of this Kingdom, and how can we live in it? #72-THE FAMILY ROOTED IN ABSOLUTE SEXUAL ETHICS PART 8- WITH LEILA JOHNSONLearn about cross cultural, international and interracial marriage, the Marriage Blessing and seeking first the Kingdom and His righteousness.#70-THE FAMILY ROOTED IN ABSOLUTE SEXUAL ETHICS-PART 7 WITH PHILIP SHARPWhat is the Kingdom of Heaven like? Why is the God-centered family the root of the Kingdom of Heaven. Is there marriage in Heaven? Join us for this important Discussion#68-THE FAMILY ROOTED IN ABSOLUTE SEXUAL ETHICS-PART 6-WITH JAMAL JOHNSON
Are you growing a healthy fruit or a wormy, rotten fruit through the actions that you are taking, especially centered on absolute sexual ethics? When you are not committed to the betterment of your children, or the children that may be created, you are doing a disservice to yourself and to society.
#66-THE FAMILY ROOTED IN ABSOLUTE SEXUAL ETHICS-PART 5 WITH STACEY URBANLearn about a life of true love and about the relationship between your physical self and the eternal spiritual self.
Chapter TRAINING WORKSHOP recording now availableYou can now view all sessions of the Chapter Training Workshop held on July 3rd, 2020. The following sessions are available:
You can purchase unlimited access for a donation of $40. Purchase Now and select Campaign "Chapter Workshop". |
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