Category: Richard's Blog

House Speaker Mike Johnson was blasted at the end of 2023 for…taking his daughter Hannah to a purity ball!  In fact, I also took our daughter Sarah to a purity ball in 1999 when she was eleven years old.  She also received a purity ring, and she gave it to her husband as part of their marriage Blessing ceremony.  She is happily married and we have two beautiful grandchildren.

Let’s cut to the chase.  Teaching sexual abstinence before marriage is good, and it helps children to achieve successful outcomes in life.  Failure to maintain sexual purity when of school age is correlated with increased use of alcohol and drugs, poor academic performance, emotional stress, increased risk of suicide, infection with sexually transmitted diseases and unwanted pregnancy.

So why is there opposition, such as that against House Speaker Mike Johnson?  The fundamental reason is because those opposing the movement for sexual purity before marriage are abusive themselves, or have been the victims of abuse and are stuck in a kind of Stockholm syndrome where the victims are advocating on behalf of their abusers.

Let me give two examples.  I testified at a Jefferson County West Virginia Board of Education meeting on January 11th, 2021 about the need for further review of the proposed new Health and Sex education Curricula.  I emphasized the necessity of choosing a curriculum that is abstinence-centered versus one that promotes so-called comprehensive sex education.  A health teacher at Jefferson High School at that time, Willie Edward Belmonte Jr. testified, in response to my comments that abstinence education does not work.  Later, in August of 2021, he was arrested for having sex multiple times with a 17 year old female student, sometimes on school grounds.  According to the timeline published in the Spirit of Jefferson and Farmers Advocate, Belmonte had already had sex with this student at the very time he gave the testimony opposing abstinence-centered education.  He is now serving 23 years 9 months to 55 years in jail.

In another case, fifteen girls from the “Feminist Club” at Duke Ellington School of the Arts in Washington DC suddenly visited the club meeting that the Urban Life Training STAR (Students Teaching Abstinence and Responsibility) Leadership Club was holding to stage a ‘protest’ against the promotion of Abstinence Awareness Week.  Question asked of the protesting girls illuminated the fact that the main issue was that most of the girls, many of who identified as other than heterosexual, had been sexually abused, and therefore had no choice in losing their virginity.  Yet why protest against Abstinence Awareness Week?  Considering that a shocking 85% of women identifying as lesbian or bisexual have been sexually abused, should we not rather be protesting against the sexual abuse of girls?

In reality, not teaching sexual abstinence before marriage to youth is abusive.  Not teaching sexual abstinence means that youth are being deprived of the knowledge needed to make sound decisions that will have a positive influence throughout their entire lives.  Now, those same people who don’t want your children to get abstinence-centered education, want your daughters to undress in front of biological men.  This is literally sexual abuse.  These sick people want to codify abuse.  First there is the abuse of not teaching sexual abstinence before marriage.  Then there is the literal sexual abuse that causes lesbianism and bisexuality among 85% those identifying as such.  And now there is the abuse of allowing biological males into female locker rooms.

I hate to say it, but the Christian response has been exceedingly weak.  Where are the droves of Pastors and parents protesting these insane policies?  There is often a cozy relationship between the church and the state.  In my opinion, this mutes the response of pastors.  Many pastors are not ones to rock the boat, and may receive government subsidies and participate in different government programs that involve financial benefit for the church.  But rock the boat we must, as the boat is sinking fast, and we better either fix it or jump off and reach a safe shore. 

To reach those safe shores, we definitely need a renewed movement of sexual purity before marriage and committed, lifetime God-centered marriages.   A deeper understanding of God’s viewpoint about sexuality will be necessary to overcome the current lethargy among the faithful.  The Unification Principle clarifies God’s plan and will regarding human sexuality.   The Principle also explains that the human fall involved a misuse of sexuality.  When we clearly understand the cause of the problem, then we can enact the solution.

Sexual abstinence in preparation for committed, lifetime marriages is a huge part of that solution.  If you are not sure, just look at all the ruckus over House Speaker Mike Johnson taking his daughter Hannah to a purity ball.  We have to stand up for the future of our children, and teaching sexual abstinence before marriage is an integral part of ensuring their future. 

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